Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Summary- Lecture 7

Today was an introduction and summary into the significance of computer and video games in terms of the media landscape. It is weird, you have all of these differences and theory points tucked away in your mind and a lecture like this brings them out. You could never put your finger on the theory behind gaming, so to have it explained is more like bringing the flower out of its bud, or the catapiller out of its cucoon.

For instance the narratology vs ludology debate. If given the game counterstrike and Red alert and asked to spot the differences I could, however I wouldnt have been able to tell you why before today. Now I can safely say that Counterstrike is on the side of ludology and Red Alert the side of narratology.

I believe that computer games are our porthole into the now relitavley defunct world of virtual reality. You play a game because, unlike a movie, you can interact with characters: making playing one step closer to real life. All that is needed to add onto that element is the 3rd element of touch.

Should we be studying the game? or the player of the game = I think both. The key behind making a game more realistic or better is to study it (apply new technologies when released and more current real world applications) and the reactions , joys/triumphs and the gamer had whilst playing it.

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