Friday, November 24, 2006

What my blog friends have been posting about

It seems everyone has had the same reaction to this course so far. Going by the posts that my blog friends have made about the lecture and course content, it seems that they have beeen awoken (As I have) to the influences that the internet is having over their lives. It seems that all have become a little wiser when it comes to taking the internet for granted and have learned a little about what to expect in the future. Certainly all activley use instant messaging on a daily basis and all also use the internet regularly

They have had mixed opinions on 3d chatting, although it seems that all were new to it.
All mastered the scavenger hunt task, using several different search engines.

Special Mention to Binny. His blog has taken off like a rocket! Pictures, essay like posts: it certainly seems he has mastered the ability to create an online habitat. With a bit more attention to detail in the second week, I hope I can also achieve net nerd status!

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